On the 27th of February at 1 AM local time, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.2 hit Market Rasen at the North East of Lincolnshire and the tremor was felt across the UK. This has claimed to be the biggest earthquake ever occur since 25 years ago. Fortunately, apart from some minor injuries no major casualty was reported so far.
During the incident, i was getting ready to hit shower after work. Can't imagine what would it be like if it happen while i am showering. I will definitely s*** myself and jump out from the bath tub without covering myself that's for sure. When i first felt the tremor i thought some jerks must have closed their door so hard that the wall in my room are actually shaken by it. But when it persisted for a few seconds, i knew that something is not right as i can literally saw and felt the wall as well as the floor was trembling. Never in my life that i encounter such terrifying but at a same time intriguing moment. Soon as it stopped, i went out from my room and ask Ali whether he felt the tremor. He didn't even know what's going on! After much explanation to him, he made a few calls to his mates and find out that it was actually an earthquake. Later that morning, almost every news channel here reporting about the incident.
I hope this is the ONE TIME earthquake that i am ever going to experience for now and for the next 25 years 'cause if it happen again and it's coming back BIG (touch wood), i don't think i'm going to survive from the falling of a 6 floor building!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Earthquake Hitting UK
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12:38 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
Street Fighter IV
During my childhood, heading to the nearest arcade centre and spent countless time on playing Street Fighter, the world's most popular arcade game ever, is one of my "must do" list during the weekend. Since it was released about two decades ago, the game has through so much improvement such as new characters to be included apart from the "original 8", new exciting moves as well as drastic changes in graphics interface.
Here is the preview of what's coming up from the sequel of this incredibly created game and from the look of it i think this is going to be one hell of an exploding element for all the Street Fighter fans out there!
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11:26 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
Ah ... yes... Valentine's Day. The day when people believe Cupid bringing two souls together with his Arrow of Love. The day where you can see more couples hanging around on the street than you ever seen before. The day when flowers and chocolates are sold like hot cakes, no matter how incredibly expensive they are! Most importantly, this is the day when you celebrate the love and passion you have for one and another.
To me, Valentine's Day is just a day when you reminisce all the good and wonderful memories that you had. Once the "memories re-winding" is done, then you started to feel how much you miss it. *halt for a while* Anyway, tonight i will probably end up getting a bottle of wine and watch what they claimed as "The most romantic movie since Titanic", the Notebook. I heard so much about it from a friend but never get a chance to watch it. So i guess tonight is the night!
So, to all the potential and happy couples out there Happy Valentine's Day. For those who are feeling lonely and depressed, cheer up and have fun tonight. You never know when those magical moments might strike you!
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1:32 PM
1 shoutouts
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
一年一度的春節又來了,不知不覺我已在英國度過了三年的農曆新年。我現在反而不像以前那麽興奮,可能因爲是我年紀大了,也或是太久沒跟親人度過吧!還記得以前小的時候,我都經常期待這個歡樂的時刻。除了那些美味的年菜之外,還能放鞭炮和玩煙花呢!每當我想起這美好的囘憶,我也會情不自禁得流眼淚 。(開个玩笑,哈哈!)
好了,不多說了。再説我可真的把我自己弄哭了!在此我恭祝大家 "恭喜發財, 万事如意, 身體安康, 心想事成"。
P/S: 差點忘了告訴大家, 初夕我還得上班呢 ! 這也太殘忍了吧 !!! 大家玩得開心點吧。
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2:53 PM
1 shoutouts