Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday

Today mark the day where Jesus Christ being crucified, died and was buried. This is one of the most important day in the Christian calender where it involve a number of readings and meditations. As for Roman Catholic (RC) Christians, today also known as the Fast Day where RC Christians only have a small amount of food for the whole day as a commemoration of Jesus's death.

The statue of Our Lady of Sorrows (or La Pietà) used during the Good Friday procession. (Adapted from Wikipedia)

The last time i celebrated Good Friday in a true religious way is when i was first baptised back in 1996, i was 17 then. Back then the whole celebration through out the week was fascinating as that was the first time i was exposed to this custom. Since then i never actually participate in this celebration the way a Christian should be, which make me feel sort of guilty sometimes. I really hope i can do that especially when i still here in England to endure the way it is celebrated compare to back in home.

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