Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Street Wear

Finally, the book that i purchased on Amazon about 2 months ago was finally at my doorstep yesterday. Steven Vogel 's Street Wear: The Insider's Guide.

Cover page.

This book basically give you a brief introduction on street wear culture that have been growing widely through out the globe for the past 2 decades. Interviews between Steven and some of the most influencing street wear production groups are one of the highlight of the book. Also included are tonnes of graphics and illustrations plus useful sources directory at the end of the book.

Introduction of the book.

Personally, i think this book is great as it touches most of the important elements in street wear culture. As i am more of a 'picture' kind of guy (which is why i only read magazines instead of long boring novel), the abundant amount of graphics in this book make it even more interesting and less dull. This book could be perfect it the author widen the scope as well as approaching more popular production brands. Anyway, greatest book that i ever bought so far. At least it's better than the last one.

Some of the contents of the book.

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